228. What if We Lived in a Generous Universe?

Oct 02, 2024
self help podcast

Do you sense that the world is generous or punishing? 

In this episode of Choice, Change and Action Simone Milasas talks with Dr. Charlie Verge about points of view that limit our choices, and our happiness.

We spend our whole life trying to make things right or wrong and trying to make the right choice so you won't be wrong but you've already decided you're wrong anyway. What if there is no right or wrong? 

What could you create if you had no point of view about anyone or anything and just functioned from a knowing that we lived in a generous universe? Would you start to taste life again?

Trust you and your choices and choose what makes you happy every day. Choose to live joyously!

Keys Takeaways

  • Miracles Happen When You Have No Point Of View
  • What’s Your Driving Force?
  • Choose Happiness
  • What If The Universe Is Generous?

Daily Questions:

  • "Who am I today and what grand and glorious adventures can I have?"
  • “What next?”
  • "If I were happy, what would I be choosing?"
  • "I'll have what they're having." 
  • "I'll have more of that please."
  • "Would I like to do this today? Yes? No?"
  • "What if there is a generous universe? What would I ask for? What action would I take? What would I choose for me today?"
  • “Body, what would you like?”

Useful Links:

Follow Simone Milasas

Follow Dr. Charlie Verge

Play with Simone Milasas

Mentioned In This Episode

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